Cake Flavors: TC offers the following: white, chocolate, vanilla, marble, strawberry,
butter, lemon, red velvet and orange. Marble is any two flavors of your choosing.
Custom Sheet Cakes
Sheet cakes are offered in three sizes:
1) 1/4 Pan Size Sheet Cake ..... $45.00 | 2) 1/2 Pan Size Sheet Cake ..... $55.00
3) Full Pan Size Sheet Cake ..... $75.00
Beautiful Character Cakes
Character cakes vary from customer to customer.
While some may request cartoon character shaped cakes, others may want
their favorite team logo. Most orders can be fulfilled, and the price will depend
on the number of servings and the work entailed.
Character Cakes are offered in two sizes:
1) 10-15 Serving Size Cake ..... $50.00 | 2) 20-30 Serving Size Cake ..... $65.00
Tasty Cup Cakes.
TC offers cupcakes in a variety of flavors. The price listed is the cost for basic cupcake
& icing flavors (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, lemon & white).
1) Tasty Regular Cup Cakes ..... $24.00 for 12 Cup Cakes
Specialty Cup Cakes
Specialty cupcakes are offered but not limited to the following flavors: red velvet, carrot,
Snickers, Recees, German chocolate, banana cream & kiwi-lime.
1) Specialty Cup Cakes ..... $36.00 for 12 Cup Cakes
Specialty Round Cakes
Specialty cakes are only offered in 8" rounds, (with the exception of the strawberry basket)
and come in the following flavors: carrot, red velvet, cheesecake, German chocolate,
*strawberry basket, banana split, Recees peanut butter, bundt pound cake and Angelfood.
1) Specialty Round Cakes ..... $40.00
Tasty Icing Flavors
TC's basic buttercream is included in the cake pricing. All others will incur
additional charges depending on the cake size.
Flavors include: buttercream (plain, strawberry, & chocolate),
cream cheese (plain, strawberry & chocolate),
whipped cream (plain, strawberry & chocolate) & lemon.
1) Whipped Cream & Cream Cheese Icing Flavors ..... $10 each
All other Icing Flavors ..... $5.00 each
Thank you for visiting us ... Place your order today!.